Tuesday 25 January 2011

A hop, a skip and a great big leap

I'll admit, i'll put my hands up and admit that the regular blogging id planned hasnt gone exactly to plan. That however is the past, and whilst we are on the subject:
Past Month's Break Down:
Its over, it may not have gone perfectly, but its over.

After the script was finalised weeks ago we were then asked to write a 'back up section' for romance, this swiftly replaced romance. Judging by audience reaction though this last minute section seems to have gone down pretty well.

So we panic, we find actors, we rehearse, we hope, we plan, we pray and we try not to sleep.
4:52 on wednesday 19th January hits and its over.

It didn't go perfectly by any stretch, my biggest complaint was myself. I feel i dropped the ball a bit on some of my camera choices/movements. I know ive done its better during the rehearsals, unfortunately its just didnt go as well on the day. But hey, no big deal, it wasnt a massive disaster, the majority of things went to plan and all in all the show looked pretty good.... i think.

One nicely organised day later we have the footage in the can.

What can i say? The day of the shoot went really well, shot some 'football crowd' stuff in the morning at a local stadium. Short break for lunch. Onto the scene in the bedroom which was shot in quite a small, but managable, room (1 actor, camera op and director became a squeeze even after we hauled a chest of draws out). And finally to wrap it all up we had a fake birthday party for our producer's little sister. All in all the day just went really well, the footage looked good and we were headed straight to the edit.
So we hit a bump or two in the edit, nothing major. A few scares about shots being overexposed after exporting but thank god this came down to an issue with the suite's equipment.
Add some music, tweak and leave to simmer for 20 minutes.

Cant complain really, pretty happy with this one... no doubt my tutor will rip it apart, but let me have my moment.

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